The tragic loss of Adam Johnson, player #47 for the Nottingham Panthers, during an away game against the Sheffield Steelers on 28th October 2023, profoundly impacted us all at Willies.
In response to this heart-breaking incident, the English Ice Hockey Association (EIHA) mandated neck guards for all players at levels below the Elite League from 2024 onwards.
As providers of ice hockey equipment and players ourselves, we fully support this initiative for improved safety on the ice. However, it didn’t feel right to profit from the increase in neck guard sales following the tragedy, so we decided to donate all of the profits to two charities in particular.
A Heartfelt Cause
We are privileged to contribute £1,000 to "Last Night An Allstar Saved My Life," a charity dedicated to purchasing life-saving defibrillators for ice rinks across the country.
Our donation meant that they were able to purchase another defibrillator, helping to keep both players and fans safe during hockey games.
In Adam Johnson’s Memory
In addition, we have donated a further £500 to the Nottingham Panthers GoFundMe, set up in memory of Adam Johnson.
With the blessing of Adam’s family, this money will go towards the "Love for Hibbing and Hockey Memorial Fund," which supports charitable activities in Adam’s hometown of Hibbing, Minnesota, reflecting his spirit and passion for hockey.
Our Ongoing Commitment To Safety
We are committed to continuing our support for player safety and hockey community initiatives that honour Adam’s memory.
At Willies, we stand with the Johnson family and the wider ice hockey community. We are reminded of the importance of community support and the impact of coming together to promote safety and care for one another.